Our People

With over 90 legal professionals, we provide counsel with the skills and resources to deliver the widest range of legal services to our clients. Our lawyers are nationally and internationally recognized. In addition to being listed in Lexpert, Benchmark Canada, Best Lawyers and Chambers Global, McDougall Gauley has consistently been named one of the top five Prairie Regional Firms by Canadian Lawyer Magazine.

With over 90 legal professionals, we provide counsel with the skills and resources to deliver the widest range of legal service to our clients.
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Practice Areas
We service the legal needs of individuals, domestic and international institutions, insurance companies, business, government, and more.
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Awards & Recognitions
We have received numerous awards and recognitions during our 132 years of service to our clients. Many of our lawyers are recognized by Lexpert and Best Lawyers in Canada.
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About McDougall Gauley

McDougall Gauley LLP is a Saskatchewan law firm with a diversified local, provincial, national, and international practice. Since 1891, McDougall Gauley has served the legal needs of domestic and international financial institutions, insurance companies, individuals in business, government, law and finance, as well as, local, national and multinational corporations.

Our Insights
Workplace Violence Policy requirements following amendments to The Saskatchewan Employment Act
Susan B. Barber, K.C., C.Dir., Calen Nixon & Munir Abdulhadi
Last year, the Government of Saskatchewan passed An Act to amend The Saskatchewan Employment Act, 2023, which amends provisions of The Saskatchewan Employment Act (the “ SEA”), including workplace violence policy obligations for employers. Previously, section 3-21(1) of the SEA only required employers operating at a “prescribed placed of employment...
When must an estate produce documents in a will challenge? Applications for production of records in the context of will challenges in Saskatchewan
Jonathan R. Milani & Nicole T.M. Tryhorn
Case Comment
A recent Saskatchewan Court of King’s Bench decision answers when the executor of an estate, or any third party possessing records of the testator, may be compelled to produce documents to the will challenger in a will challenge brought under Rule 16-46 of The King’s Bench Rules [ Rules]. In Stradeski v Kowalyshyn, 2023 SKKB 177 [ Kowalyshyn], the...
Pitfalls in Drafting Termination Clauses in Employment Contracts
Alyssa Phen, Calen Nixon & Nicole T.M. Tryhorn
Case Comment
In this blog post, we review two recent Alberta decisions which emphasize the importance of incorporating clear and unambiguous termination clauses in employment agreements, as well as the consequences for employers when such clauses fall short of this standard. Generally, courts will not uphold a termination clause in an employment agreement that...