Orí Cover Final

Orí Eledá Mí Ó…If My Head Does Not Sell Me, by Miguel W. Ramos

Our readers are talking:

“… overflowing with knowledge about our tradition—absolutely amazing! Mo dupe-oooo for the dedication of your time and ashe to providing this for us. May Egun and the Orisha bless you with abundantly.
Huberta Jackson-Lowman, Olobatala”

“I bought the book with the idea that you were writing about Orí, but I now see that it is about much more than that. This book is about Orisha religion! This is probably one of the best reference books about the religion that I have seen. Thank you for making this very valuable information available to orisha people.
J. Rodriguez, Oló Obatalá”

“Woah! I see your vision in just the first several pages of this book and I hope and pray that one day this book will be the reference source book like that of Butler’s Lives of the Saints and other books! It is very reminiscent of a Physicians Desk Reference, a sort of one stop look here! Having grown up in organized religion this book is a wonderful map for me!
S. Evans, Oní Yemojá”

Order yours today!




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Orí Eledá Mí Ó…If My Head Does Note Sell Me

By Obá Miguel W. Ramos, Ilarí Obá, PhD.

$49.99 + $8.50 Shipping

Orí Cover Final

The long-awaited translation and expanded edition of the Spanish-language Orí Eledá mí ó…Si mi cabeza no me vende. The book provides the reader with vital information about the significance of the head in Orisha Religion, in Yorubaland and the Diaspora. The author compares the rites and wisdom of the three major Orisha centers–Yorubaland, Cuba, and Brazil. In addition, the book contains much historical and ritual data that will afford modern-day olorishas with considerable knowhow and understanding about the numerous complexities of Orisha religion. Readers have referred to the Spanish version of the book as “…a small encyclopedia of Orisha religion.”

Pre-release ordering is now available. All books ordered before the official release of the book will be autographed by the author and sent on the very first day. Reserve yours now.



Orí Eledá Mí Ó…If My Head Does Note Sell Me
By Obá Miguel W. Ramos, Ilarí Obá, PhD.

$49.99 + $40.00 Shipping


International Shipping



A new cycle of Eleda.Org’s video ordination seminar, in English, begins October 1, 2023.

Cost: $25 a class, payable in advance, on a monthly basis.

Continue reading »

Bookcover Osayin frontby Obá Oriaté Miguel “Willie” Ramos, Ilarí Obá.

English • EspañolPortuguês

As a young Olorisha in New York, I became aware of what I considered an urgent need to disseminate information to other Olorishas about our religious practices. By my sixteenth birthday, I had published the first edition of this book, 100 books, meant to circulate solely amongst my friends and the members of my ilé. Looking back on that book today, in many respects I feel embarrassed by it as the spelling errors and typos were so numerous that it still upsets me. In fact, I am often angered whenever I see the pirate copies of that edition that are still offered for sale, primarily in New York.

Dominated by religious fervor and an idealist frame of mind, I was very naive, gullible and inexperienced in the affairs of the “real” world and I paid the price. The printer, who according to our agreement was supposed to have edited the book, never did so. As a result, the book was printed with all the grammatical mistakes, spelling errors, and even the crossed-out words—typos—that the printer was supposed to have edited but never did. When I saw the finished product, and the printer’s despotism-who after all was dealing with a kid- I was upset but naive, and the printer refused to repair the damage. I lost half my money which I gave as an initial deposit but I took the books as they were. The printer lost his work that I refused to pay for-I may have been naive but not stupid! Still, since the edition was for a small group of people, I did not make much of it and distributed as it was, with all the errors. Was that a mistake!

In spite of all these flaws, though, in a matter of months, the intellectual pirates somehow got a hold of one of the books and published and republished it over and over again, with all its errors, and most detrimental of all, without my consent! It was stolen! The lawyers I consulted suggested that it would be a waste of time to pursue any legal course of action because it was such a minor case-“small fry”- that it was not worth the time and effort. Thousands of pirate copies of the book hit the market and were on sale at botanicas all over the city. Surprisingly, in spite of all its errors, the book was very successful. For some reason, probably dictated by the little literature available during that early period of Lukumí religion in the U.S., the book was always well received. To this day, I come across people who tell me that thanks to this book, they learned to chant Osayín— chants are the book’s major emphasis— or that they use the book to consult some of the bead patterns I describe for some of the orishas. The fact that this book was influential to scores of Olorishas in many, many ways is my major reward. Modupé ó!

Since the first edition in 1975, the book has been reprinted by me several other times in this edited version advertised here—also being pirated by deceitful and petty thieves (of which there are many others today) who prey on intellectual property for their own financial benefit because they lack the intellect to do it any other way. The book is in Spanish, however I am currently considering a revised, English version. While I am aware that this book contains a number of flaws and errors, especially in terms of the Yoruba grammar and orthography, I cannot help but feel that it continues to perform the task I originally had in mind when I first published it: disseminate information. The book is a valuable stepping stone for the young Olorisha and for the aleyo as well in that it lays foundations for future edification.

English • Español • Português

Desde que fui iniciado en la religión en la ciudad de Nueva York, me preocupé por lo que consideré una urgente necesidad de diseminar información sobre la religión lukumí a la creciente comunidad religiosa en Estados Unidos. Con a penas unos dieciséis años de edad, publiqué la primera edición de este libro, unos 100 tomos, los cuales pensé distribuir entre algunas amistades y los miembros de mi Ilé Osha. Actualmente, al revisar el manuscrito y el ejemplar de aquel primer libro, me siento un tanto abochornado, ya que los errores ortográficos y gramaticales fueron muchos y el libro se imprimió sin poderle hacer las debidas correcciones. Más me enfado cuando veo las copias piratas de aquella edición, que aun siguen vendiendo—especialmente en Nueva York—los ladrones y rateros baratos que se lucran del trabajo y esfuerzo de otros sin el más mínimo remordimiento.

Impulsado por el fervor religioso y una mentalidad idealista e ingenua, fui victima de mi propia falta de malicia e inexperiencia tocante a los asuntos del mundo “real”, y por lo cual pagué costosamente. El impresor, quien según nuestro acuerdo editaría el libro y corregiría los errores, nunca lo hizo. Resultó que el libro fue impreso con todos los errores y hasta las tachas y borrones que el editor se suponía que corrigiera más nunca hizo. Cuando obtuve el producto final, y tropecé con la defensa despótica del impresor, quien después de todo estaba tratando con un chiquillo inmaduro, este rehúso a enmendar su error. Perdí la mitad del dinero que me había pedido por el trabajo, pero me entregó los libros tal y como estaban, sin corregirlos. El también perdió pues nunca cobró la suma completa que había pedido por hacer el trabajo—yo sería ingenuo, pero no estúpido. Arriba de que había hecho el trabajo mal, sería yo demasiado tonto si le pagaba el balance. No obstante, como la idea inicial era de repartir esta edición a mis amistades y familia de Osha, no me preocupé tanto y los distribuí tal y como estaban, con un sin número monstruoso de errores. ¡Que metida de patas!

A pesar de sus faltas, en cuestión de meses, los piratas intelectuales lograron conseguir una copia del libro y lo imprimieron y repartieron por toda la ciudad de Nueva York, nuevamente sin corregir ningún error, y más indignante aún, sin mi consentimiento. Nuevamente caí de victima. Consulté algunos abogados, pero todos coincidieron en una cosa—perseguirles sería un proceso difícil y muy costoso para un asunto tan pequeño, pues perdería tiempo y dinero sin garantía alguna.

Se repartieron miles de ejemplares piratas a través de las botánicas de la ciudad. Para mi gran sorpresa, a pesar de todas sus faltas, el libro gozó de un gran éxito. Por razones inexplicables, posiblemente impulsado por la escasez de materiales sobre la religión existentes en la era, el libro siempre fue muy bien recibido. Hasta en la actualidad, constantemente me encuentro con personas que me confiesan que aprendieron los súyeres de Osayín y los orishas gracias a este libro o que consultan el libro cuando desean conocer los colores rituales para el ensarte de los collares de sus orishas. El mero hecho de que este libro haya influenciado la vida de tantos olorishas quizás sea mi mayor recompensa. ¡Modupé ó!

Desde aquella monstruosa edición de 1975, la edición revisada de este libro se ha impreso tres veces más. Lamentablemente, los piratas aun siguen al acecho. Carecen de la intelectualidad para producir trabajos de valor para la comunidad religiosa, pero más aún, carecen de el más básico sentido de la ética, pero les sobra inmoralidad y vileza. Deposito esta injusticia en las manos de Ogún, Shangó y Olodumare.

Aunque estoy muy consciente de que la edición revisada también contiene algunos errores, y que mi propia perspectiva ha evolucionado con el andar de los años y la experiencia adquirida, no puedo dejar de sentir que este libro logró cumplir con los deseos de aquel joven ingenuo de dieciséis años: diseminar información. Considero que el libro es una herramienta muy valiosa para el iyawó y el olorisha joven que están dando sus primeros pasos dentro de la religión lukumí, al igual que lo es para el aborisha o aleyó que está tratando de lograr una mejor comprensión sobre la religión en la cual se está introduciendo.

EnglishEspañol • Português

Traduzido perto Ricardo Ferreira do Amaral, advogado, artista plástico e filho de Airá.

Desde que fui iniciado na religião na cidade de Nova Iorque, preocupei-me pelo que considerei uma urgente necessidade de disseminar informação sobre a religião lukimi à crescente comunidade religiosa nos Estados Unidos. Com apenas dezesseis anos de idade, publiquei a primeira edição deste livro, uns 100 tomos, que pensei distribuir entre algumas amizades e os membros do meu Ilé Osha. Atualmente, revisando o manuscrito e o exemplar daquele primeiro livro, me sinto um tanto envergonhado, pois os erros ortográficos e gramaticais foram muitos e o livro foi impresso sem que pudessem ser feitas as devidas correções. Mais me zango ainda, quando vejo as cópias piratas daquela edição, que ainda seguem vendendo – especialmente em Nova Iorque – os ladrões e gatunos baratos que lucram com o trabalho e esforço dos outros sem o mínimo remorso.

Impulsionado pelo fervor religioso e uma mentalidade idealista e ingênua, fui vítima da minha própria falta de malícia e pela inexperiência tocante aos assuntos do mundo “real”, pelo que paguei com muito custo. O impressor, que segundo nosso acordo editaria o livro e corrigiria os erros, nunca cumpriu o combinado. O resultado foi que o livro foi impresso com todos os erros e até com os riscos e borrões que o editor, supunha-se que os corrigisse mas nunca o fez.

Quando obtive o produto final e tropecei com a defesa despótica do impressor, que ao final das contas estava tratando com um pirralho imaturo, aquele se recusou a sanar seu erro. Perdi a metade do dinheiro que ele havia pedido pelo trabalho, porém, me entregou os livros tal qual estavam, sem nenhuma correção. Ele também perdeu, pois nunca cobrou a soma completa que tinha pedido para fazer o trabalho – eu era ingênuo, mas não estúpido. Ainda por cima de ter feito mal o trabalho, eu seria demasiado bobo se lhe pagasse o saldo faltante. No entanto, como a idéia inicial era a de repartir aquela edição às minhas amizades e família de Osha, não me preocupei tanto assim e distribui os livros tal qual estavam, com um sem número monstruoso de erros. Que mancada!

Apesar das falhas, em questão de meses, os piratas intelectuais conseguiram uma cópia do livro e o imprimiram e repartiram por toda a cidade de Nova Iorque, novamente sem corrigir nenhum erro e o mais indignativo: sem o meu consentimento. Novamente fui vítima. Consultei alguns advogados, mas todos coincidiram numa coisa: perseguí-los seria um processo difícil e por demais oneroso para um assunto tão pequeno, pois perderia tempo e dinheiro sem garantia alguma.

Foram repartidos milhares de exemplares piratas através das botânicas (lojas especializadas em artigos religiosos) da cidade. Para grande surpresa minha, apesar de todas as falhas, o livro gozou de um grande êxito. Por razões inexplicáveis – provavelmente impulsionado pela escassez de material sobre a religião naquela época- o livro sempre foi muito bem recebido. Até na atualidade, constantemente encontro com pessoas que me confessam terem aprendido os súyeres de Osayín e os orixás, graças a esse livro ou que consultam o livro quando desejam conhecer as cores rituais para confeccionar os colares de seus orixás. O mero fato de este livro ter influenciado a vida de tantos olorixás, quiçá seja a minha maior recompensa. Modupé ó!

Desde aquela monstruosa edição de 1975, a edição revisada deste livro tem sido impressa por mais três vezes. Lamentavelmente, os piratas continuam à espreita. Carecem de intelectualidade pra produzir trabalhos de valor para a comunidade religiosa, porém ainda mais, carecem do mais básico sentido de ética, sobrando-lhes imoralidade e vileza. Deposito esta injustiça nas mãos de Ogum, Xangô e Olodumarê.

Ainda que esteja muito consciente de a edição revisada também conter alguns erros, e de minha perspectiva ter evoluído através dos anos e da experiência adquirida, não posso deixar de sentir que este livro conseguiu cumprir com os desejos daquele jovem ingênuo de dezesseis anos: disseminar informação. Considero que o livro é uma ferramenta muito valiosa para o iyawô e o olorixá jovem que estejam dando seus primeiros passos dentro da religião lukumi, da mesma maneira que para o aborixá ou aleyô que está tratando de obter uma melhor compreensão sobre a religião na que está se introduzindo.

Asé Omó Osayín. . . Ewé Ayé
$24.99 +8.50 Priority Mail S&H

Libro mas envio: Escoja una de los opciones que aparecen abajo



Ilú Añá: Sacred Batá, Handbook for Orisha Practitioners
By Oluwo Félix D. Sanabria and Olorisha Susan Richardson-Sanabria

$31.99 + $8.50 Priority Mail shipping

Ilú Añá ad 12

This highly-awaited publication promises to be another successful contribution to the serious and trustworthy literature on Lukumí Orisha religion written by devotees who have lived the culture and experienced its magic. This book will appeal to the Orisha community as well as to the academic. It documents the journey of a Puerto Rican-born olorisha, omó Añá, olubatá, and babalawo, and his African-American wife and apetebí, an olorisha of Oshún, in the fascinating world of Orisha worship, music, and dance in New York, as Lukumí religion laid new and significant roots outside Cuba.

Don’t wait too long or it may sell out!




A new Cycle of Eleda.Org’s Video Dilogún Course begins in October 2019.


Cost: $25 per class, payable in advance, on a monthly basis

If you have already COMPLETED Eleda.Org’s ordination course and have complied with all the requirements, you may register for the upcoming the Video Dilogún course.

If you have not completed your projects, hurry. The new class begins in October. Those of you who submitted projects and are still waiting for us to return them may also enroll as well.

Before registering, be aware that this is not a short course. Contrary to the thinking of some olorishas, Dilogún is a complex oracle, and learning it is not a simple process. Be ready to commit for the long run or don’t register.


Yemojá Cover 3


On the Orishas’ Roads and Pathways: Yemojá, Mother of the World
By Obá Miguel W. Ramos, Ilarí Obá, PhD.

The third book in the On the Orishas’ Roads and Pathways series is now available. This book focuses on Yemojá, the orisha that rules over the world’s waters since before the arrival of orishas and humans to Ayé. As one of the primordial deities of the Yoruba-Lukumí pantheon, Yemojá plays a vital position in the cosmos. She nurtures humanity and succors those who seek her help. In addition, Yemojá fights injustice and protects her devotees from the negative forces of the universe. As the epitome of womanhood, Yemojá is a staunch defender of women, fiercely confronting the abuse of mothers, women, and children. If the first two volumes in this series have received great praise from the Orisha community and academics alike, this next tome will live up to the reputation of the previous ones, surely becoming another valuable contribution to the literature on Orisha religion.

Price: $34.99
497 pages
ISBN: 978‐1‐877845‐19‐2



A new cycle of Eleda.Org’s Live ordination seminar, in English, begins March 6, 2018.

Day & Time: Tuesdays, 7:30 to 9:00 P.M., in our Westchester office

Cost: $20 a class if you participate in person; $25 a class if you participate on Webex. The dues are payable in advance, on a monthly basis

Continue reading »


Iniciación a la Religión Lukumí (en español), Versión de vídeo

Sólo para olorishas lukumíes iniciados
Comienza Octubre 1, 2016
Costo: $25.00 por clase. Esta suma debe ser pagada por adelantado mensualmente, al comienzo de cada mes.

Este seminario cubrirá detalladamente los rituales de la ceremonia de iniciación lukumí, desde los pasos que anteceden las ceremonias hasta el procedimiento ritual de la salida del iyawó a la plaza del mercado a los 7 días de la iniciación.

Se ofrecerá por vía electrónica, un vídeo por semana, hasta completar la serie.

Para registrarse, pulse aquí Registración.

Debe proveer su nombre, dirección, número(s) de teléfono y dirección(es) electrónica. Además, deberá incluir el nombre y la información de contacto de sus mayores religiosos o de 2 personas reconocidas en la comunidad que puedan verificar su estatus como iniciado. Sin esta confirmación no podrá participar del seminario. Luego de obtener la respuesta a su aplicación vía email, debe postear un depósito NO REEMBOLSABLE de $50.00 que podrá pagar con su tarjeta de crédito a través de PayPal. Este depósito será aplicado al costo del primer mes de clases y le asegurará su puesto. El balance sería pagadero, a más tardar, una semana antes del comienzo del seminario.

Para registrarse, pulse aquí Registración.

Seminario sobre la iniciación a la Religión Lukumí (en español),
Clase en Vivo, a celebrarse en Miami
Sólo para olorishas lukumíes iniciados

Comienza Abril 5, 2017
Miercoles, de 7:30 a 9:00 P.M.
Límite: 30 personas
Costo: $20.00 por clase, si la toma en vivo, o $25.00 participando en vivo a través de Webex. Esta suma debe ser pagada por adelantado mensualmente, al comienzo de cada mes.

1Este seminario cubrirá detalladamente los rituales de la iniciación lukumí, desde los pasos que anteceden las ceremonias hasta el procedimiento ritual de la salida del iyawó a la plaza del mercado a los 7 días de la iniciación.

Para registrase, pulse aquí Registración.

Llene la planilla que aparece en la página que abre. Provea su nombre, dirección, número(s) de teléfono y dirección(es) electrónica. Además, deberá incluir el nombre y la información de contacto de sus mayores religiosos o de 2 personas reconocidas en la comunidad que puedan verificar su estatus como iniciado. Sin esta confirmación no podrá participar del seminario.

Luego de obtener la respuesta a su aplicación, deberá someter un depósito no rembolsable de $50.00 que podrá pagar con su tarjeta de crédito a través de Paypal. Este depósito se le aplicará al pago del primer mes y le asegurará su puesto. El balance sería pagadero, a más tardar, una semana antes del comienzo del seminario.

Begins: September 2016
Cost: $25 a class, payable in advance, on a monthly basis

Continue reading »

Begins: March 2016
Cost: $25 a class, payable in advance, on a monthly basis

Continue reading »

Oloshas United T-shirts are now available. Quantities are limited, so don’t lose time. Order yours today!

We shall ship using USPS Priority Mail, which promises a quick delivery.

While delivery speed depends entirely on USPS, it may just be possible to have it by the weekend if you order quickly.

South Florida residents may arrange for local pick-up. If this is your option, we shall reimburse your shipping charges.

If they last, some T-shirts may be available at the door at the Miami events on December 12th and 13th. Keep in mind that prices at the door will be higher.


Choose your T-Shirt

Logo 2015


Choose your T-Shirt

Miami, we need your help with the agbán and wemilere. Can you share with your community, even if it is a small amount? Every donation counts.

Miami, necesitamos tu ayuda para llevar a cabo el agbán y el wemilere. ¿Pudieras compartir con tu comunidad, aunque sea una cantidad mínima? Toda donación cuenta.

2015 Donations/Donaciones

Wemilere Obatala - English

Wemilere Obatala - Spanish

WP&H 2015 Eng

WP&H 2015 Sp

WP&H Agban 2015 Eng

WP&H Agban 2015 Sp

Eledá.Org continues its monthly lecture series: Ewé Osayín—Osayín, his gifts, and our relationship with them

Lecture 7: Herbs and the Odu Obara
Date: Sunday, February 21, 2016
Time: 10 AM
Cost: $55 (in-class participation); $60 for Webex participation
We will be able to host twelve (12) participants via Webex. This possibility is reserved for those who live outside the South Florida area. All others must attend the session in person. Continue reading »


Date: September 8, 2015
Day and Time: Tuesdays, 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Location: Miami, Eleda.Org’s office in Westchester
Cost: $20 per class (In-class participation) $25 per class (Webex), payable in advance, on a monthly basis

For those of you that have already COMPLETED Eleda.Org’s Ordination course and have complied with all the requirements, you may register for the upcoming Dilogún course.


If you are procrastinating with the completion of your projects for the Ordination Seminar, you need to hurry. The new class is about to begin. A new live class will not be available for another year or more.

Before registering, be aware that this is not a short-term course. There is no crash course on Dilogún. Contrary to the thinking of some olorishas, Dilogún is a complex oracle, and learning it is not a simple process. Be ready to commit for the long run or do not register.

On the registration, just provide name, email address, phone number, and home address. Since you already took the Ordination seminar, references are not necessary.


Eleda.Org and Oloshas United, Miami Join Efforts and Invite you to our First Pilgrimage to Cuba:

Africa in Cuba, 2016

March 2016


Cabildo Terán, Jovellanos, Cuba

It is undeniable that Cuba, the largest of the Caribbean islands, is one of the region’s most culturally complex countries. The best of two continents came together–some freely, and others, lamentably, by force–and under its hot, tropical sun, molded a nation and a society that many deem among the most unique in the Caribbean. Cuban culture was born from seeds transported by Europeans, but planted by Africans. Her blood is mixed, like her people. Her heart beats to the rhythm of Spanish guitars and African drums; however, there is little doubt that no matter Europe’s might, Cuba’s soul and its vibrancy is Congo, Yoruba, Carabalí, Gangá, because Africa laid the seeds that sprouted in her soil. A national dish clearly illustrates Cuba’s heritage: moros y cristianos (Moors and Christians, blacks and whites)—black beans and white rice, skillfully cooked together so that each element permeates the other, while retaining its distinct identity.

Join us as we travel through Havana and Matanzas, two of Cuba’s most important centers of African Culture, where we shall reconnect with the island’s African past. Like a plate of moros y cristianos, this amazing journey will allow us to blend in and bond with the island’s captivating Africanity. Visit the Afro-Cuban cabildos or cult houses, many dating to the nineteenth century and feel the energy of its founders resonating within their walls. Experience the numerous African drumming traditions and their historical trajectories, allowing them to reverberate through your soul as they replicate millenary rhythms and respond to chants and prayers that alleviated the pain felt by those who sang them yearning to return home. Meet descendants of the Lukumí (Yoruba), Abakuá (Igbo, Kalabari), Congo, Arará (Ewé-Fon), and other African peoples whose ancestors arrived to the island’s shores in massive numbers, and refused to give up their humanity, identity, and sense of being, despite the acculturative attempts to eradicate a culture that refused to acquiesce. Join us as we embrace the soul of Africa in Cuba.

Our tour will include:

    Airfare: Miami-Havana-Miami
    Transfers to and from Havana’s José Martí International Airport, as well as all transfers to the rural towns and religious centers
    Lodging in Hostals (bed and breakfast) or hotels in Matanzas and Havana
    Some meals, including a welcome dinner at Matanzas El Chiquirrín restaurant
    Visits to cabildos in Matanzas, Jovellanos, and Perico, and interviews with their directors
    An evening drum festival where we shall listen to the beat of approximately ten African drumming traditions that are still active in Cuba
    Demonstrations of Afro-Cuban ritual dances and singing
    Visit to the San Severino Castle and Museum
    Visit to Bacunayagua and the stunning Yumurí Valley
    Visit to the Guamá forest reserve where many African maroons sought freedom from enslavement
    Visit to El Triunvirato Ingenio (sugar plantation), site of one of the island’s most significant slave insurrections
    Visits to Matanzas’ caves, mystical abode of the Arará fodún (vodún) Dairó Hueró (Aido Hwedo)
    Participation in an actual Orisha (Lukumí-Yoruba) drumming celebration in honor of Shangó, one of the most important orishas (deity) of the Yoruba pantheon in Africa as well as in the Americas
    Seaside ritual in Cuba’s renowned Varadero beach in honor of Yemojá
    Tour of the town of Regla, a small town in Havana that was pivotal to the survival of African religions
    Visit to the Museo de Regla
    Riverside tribute to Oshún at the Soroa waterfall in Pinar del Río
    Visit to the Valle de Viñales in Pinar del Río and a historical spiritual botanical garden where Cubans purchase medicinal plants to combat physical and spiritual maladies

Because travel to Cuba is still in the evolutionary stages, the total cost is still unknown. We approximate the cost at $2500.00, and will have a more definitive price by December, 2015.

Some of the proceeds from the tour hall go to assist with Oloshas United’s events.

If you are interested in joining us, please register as soon as possible.

To register, click here: Africa in Cuba Registration

The traveler must have a valid passport with an expiration date that is beyond the scheduled return date, December 5, 2015.

For further information and updates, please email us:

    Willie Ramos
    Raúl Piélago

You may also send us a private message on Facebook:
Willie Ramos​ or Raul Pielago.

For help with travel arrangements to Miami, we recommend Bridget Thomas​. Her experience and professionalism in the travel industry is unrivaled.


  • “Diccionario Botánico de Nombres Vulgares Cubanos,” (2 volumes)
    By Juan Tomás Roig
    Habana, Editorial Cientifico-Tecnica, 2014.

    $45.99 plus $6.25 for Priority Mail shipping (International shipping rates will vary)


Ten editions will be available for sale on June 9, 2015.

Don’t miss this opportunity to own one of the most complete publications on Cuban botany. The edition is almost out of print in Cuba.

Reserve your copies today with a $20.00 deposit!

Once the books become available, you will receive an email asking for full payment.

Orders will be accepted as they are received until all ten editions are sold. Don’t waste time. Reserve right now!


Date: July 19 a Sep. 27, 2015—the group will meet every other Sunday
Dates: July 19, Aug. 2, 16, & 30; and Sep. 13 & 27.
Time: 1-4 PM
Location: Diaspora Cultural center, Miami, Florida
Limit: 25 people
Cost: $25 per class ($150.00), payable in advance
Language: Spanish & English (& a little Portuñol)

Eleda.org once again offers a beading workshop under the direction of Mannolie Disantos. Her work was showcased at the “At the Crossroads” exhibition in Miami.

This class will focus on embroidering a religious attribute for Orisha or Egún. Prior to the start of the workshop, Ms. Disantos will coordinate with the students to determine the beads and other necessary items for the projects.

Please register as soon as possible, as space is limited to 25 people.

Click here to register

After registering, you must place a $50.00 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit to assure your place in the workshop. Your registration will not be complete until the deposit is made.

Click Here to Post the Deposit

For further information, contact Ms. Disantos: Mannolie.creations@gmail.com.

Hamillgallery Case
Eleda.org Presents Obá Willie Ramos, Ilarí Obá, PhD

Orí and the Lukumí Rogación de Cabeza (Head Rogation), a seminar for Lukumí olorishas and aleyos (non-initiated).

Saturday July 25, 2015
11:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Bridgeport Mind and Body
735 West 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60616

Online: Oloshas: $75.00 Aleyos: $35.00
At’the’Door: Oloshas $80.00 Aleyos: $40.00

This important seminar addresses the great significance of our Orí (Erí; head) and the attention that devotees must give to this center of ashé that guides our life and molds our existence.

The class is divided into two sessions. Aleyos may participate in the first half of the class for the theoretical discussion of Orí. Thereafter, the session on the “rogación” and other rituals for the head will be available only to the olorisha.

If you are interested in partaking of this seminar, reserve as soon as possible. Seating is extremely limited. You MUST provide a minimum of two verifiable references that will confirm your religious status/ordination and their contact information.


Once you application has been approved, we shall send an email requesting a NON-REFUNDABLE $35.00 deposit. Please make sure that your email address is entered correctly. The deposit must be paid by July 8th. This deposit will be deducted from your final payment. The request for the balance will be sent to all the participants the week before the class begins.

The deposit is payable through Eleda.Org’s “Seminars & Payments” section. We cannot guarantee a seat without a deposit.

Hamillgallery Case
Orí and the Lukumí Rogación de Cabeza (Head Rogation)

Eleda.org Presents Obá Willie Ramos, Ilarí Obá, PhD

Orí and the Lukumí Rogación de Cabeza (Head Rogation), a seminar for Lukumí olorishas and aleyos (non-initiated).

Saturday March 14, 2015
11:00 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Oloshas: $70.00
Aleyos: $35.00

This important seminar addresses the great significance of our Orí (Erí; head) and the attention that devotees must give to this center of ashé that guides our life and molds our existence.

The class is divided into two sessions. Aleyos may participate in the first half of the class for the theoretical discussion of Orí. Thereafter, the session on the “rogación” and other rituals for the head will be available only to the olorisha.

If you are interested in partaking of this seminar, reserve as soon as possible. Seating is extremely limited. You MUST provide a minimum of two verifiable references that will confirm your religious status/ordination and their contact information.


Once you application has been approved, we shall send an email requesting a NON-REFUNDABLE $35.00 deposit. Please make sure that your email address is entered correctly. The deposit must be paid by March 5th. This deposit will be deducted from your final payment. The request for the balance will be sent to all the participants the week before the class begins.

The deposit is payable through Eleda.Org’s “Seminars & Payments” section. We cannot guarantee a seat without a deposit.

Eleda.Org Seminars Announces its Upcoming Class:


Palo: Theoretical and Practical Approaches

By Tata Nganga Oscar Guerrero



An Introduction to Bantú Cosmology and the Rites of Palo, and the religion’s magical powers that heal the human body, mind, and soul.

An important and groundbreaking course on the most often misunderstood of the Afro-Cuban religions

Beginning: Thursday, October 2, 2014
Time: 7:30 – 9 PM
Live Class–>(S. Florida residents) $20 per class, payable in advance on a monthly basis
Online class–>(Non S. Florida residents only) $25 per class, payable in advance on a monthly basis
Duration: Approximately 4 months Continue reading »

Hamillgallery Case
Orí and the Lukumí Rogación de Cabeza (Head Rogation)

Eleda.org Presents Obá Willie Ramos, Ilarí Obá, PhD

Orí and the Lukumí Rogación de Cabeza (Head Rogation), a seminar for Lukumí olorishas and aleyos (non-initiated).

Saturday September 20, 2014
1-5 p.m.
Oloshas: $60.00
Aleyos: $30.00
Online participation (limited space): $70.00

This important seminar addresses the great significance of our Orí (Erí; head) and the attention that devotees must give to this center of ashé that guides our life and molds our existence.

The class is divided into two sessions. Aleyos may participate in the first half of the class for the theoretical discussion of Orí. Thereafter, the session on the “rogación” and other rituals for the head will be available only to the olorisha.

If you are interested in partaking of this seminar, reserve as soon as possible. You must provide a minimum of two verifiable references that will confirm your religious status/ordination and their contact information.


Once you application has been approved, we shall send an email requesting a NON-REFUNDABLE $30.00 deposit. Please make sure that your email address is entered correctly. The deposit must be paid by September 1st. This deposit will be deducted from your final payment. The request for the balance will be sent to all the participants the week before the class begins.

The deposit is payable through Eleda.Org’s “Seminars & Payments” section. We cannot guarantee a seat without a deposit.

Eleda.org and Africa International House present

Obá Willie Ramos, Ilarí Obá, PhD

Etutu and Honras–Death and Lukumí Funerary Rites, an important seminar for Ordained Lukumí Olorishas

If you are an olorisha, you cannot afford to miss this seminar!

Saturday – Sept. 6, 2014
Etutu – 9:00am – 12:30pm
Lunch – 12:30 – 1:00 – Bring your own
Honras – 1:00pm – 4:30pm

Cost – $75.00 per person

Harris YMCA
6200 South Drexel Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637

Space is limited so register quickly.

To register you must fill out Eleda.Org’s Workshop Enrollment Form. Your priestly status must be verified or you will not be allowed to participate. Once verified, you will receive an email notifying you of your acceptance and a Paypal invoice requesting a $40.00 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit. The balance must be paid by August 30th. Failure to do so may cause you to lose your reservation.


Mojuba bogbo egún tí araorún mbelese Olodumare.

Mojuba bogbo egún tí araorún mbelese Olodumare.


Price: $24.99
S&H: $8.25

Libro mas envío: Escoja una de los opciones que aparecen abajo

Curamagüey: Enclave Lucumí en Matanzas
Por Jorge Renier Brito Santana y editado por Miguel W. Ramos
ISBN: 978-1-877845-14-7
$24.99 ($8.25 S&H)

Desde la década del 1960 han aparecido más libros e investigaciones académicas sobre esta religión en la diáspora lucumí-cubana que en la misma Cuba. La gran mayoría de las publicaciones escritas por olorishas lucumíes están relacionadas con la práctica y los oráculos. Con algunas excepciones, los libros que más abundan tienen poco que ver con la trayectoria histórica de la religión lucumí. Además, la vasta mayoría de estas obras, y especialmente las que tratan sobre la religión lucumí, se enfocan en las tradiciones habaneras, ignorando en su mayor parte las otras regiones de la isla donde existen diferencias en cuanto a estructura, forma y práctica. Es importante enfatizar que en Cuba existen varias tradiciones religiosas lucumíes y no sólo aquella que se practica en La Habana.

Menor aún son las crónicas que abren pequeñas ventanas que trascienden las limitaciones del tiempo y permiten conocer algo más allá de anécdotas sobre lo cotidiano y lo vulgar asociado con las vidas de esas personas que echaron los cimientos de esta religión en Cuba. Estos ancestros tan reverenciados por los oloshas, debido a la relación genealógica-religiosa que comparten, también contribuyeron al desarrollo de esta religión de varias otras formas, muchas de ellas olvidadas o ignoradas por sus descendientes. Estar al tanto de estas valiosas aportaciones y la tenacidad de estos seres humanos; conocer su humanidad y la forma en la cual esta influenció las decisiones que ellas y ellos tomaron para defender su cultura y religión; para conservar su identidad, debe pasar a ser una de las prioridades de los olorishas que hoy hacen un aporte a la literatura lucumí.

La presente obra contribuye a este todavía limitado cuerpo intelectual. Jorge Renier Brito Santana, Babá Efún, y ahora Awó Orúnmilá Babá Ejiogbé, nos conduce en un mágico recorrido por el mundo del Curamagüey; nos deja ver las tradiciones de un pueblo matancero y un enclave étnico-religioso que fue establecido por esclavos africanos, en su mayor parte lucumíes, a finales del siglo XIX. Producto de historia oral, esta obra recuenta el origen de un linaje lucumí matancero. A la vez, nos presenta la oportunidad de conocer más a fondo a personajes históricos que a través de la memoria colectiva de un pueblo y las páginas de este libro recuperan vida, permitiéndonos alcanzar más allá de los meros recuentos de las prácticas que diferencian a este enclave matancero de las tradiciones habaneras y de otras áreas de la isla.

La obra de Babá Efún es un estupendo regreso y recuento a través del tiempo, la cual parte de la introducción a un grupo de señoras; a las “potencias” lucumíes, para luego presentarnos un bello y nostálgico trazo de la dispersión de la religión que ellas hicieron posible.

Available now/Disponible ya

For ordained Olorishas only (proof or ordination is required)

Sunday, August 5th, 2012
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Open to classroom and Skype participation
Cost: $50.00 ($55.00 for Skype participation)
Reservations are required. Once confirmed, a $25.00 deposit will also be necessary to reserve your seat.
Limits: 25 students in class & 9 via Skype Continue reading »

Eleda.org joins Cuban babalawo Lazaro Cuesta and the Church of the Lukumí Babaluayé in the condemnation of the upcoming papal visit to Cuba. As recently occurred in West Africa, and now for the second time in Cuba, once again, followers of African religions are being dismissed and ignored by the Vatican, contending that the Afro-Cuban priesthood is basically a community of Catholics that have gone astray!

““La línea oficial del Cardenal (Jaime Ortega) y creo que de la Iglesia en general, fue que las personas que practican la santería son católicos, solo otra forma quizá desviada, pero no absolutamente herética o cismática’, comentó Tom Quigley, un antiguo asesor de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos.” Continue reading »

Disponible Diciembre 1, 2011
Eleda.Org Publications anuncia el lanzamiento de una nueva obra:
“Orí Eledá mí ó…
Si mi cabeza no me vende”
Por Obá Oriaté Miguel W. Ramos, Ilarí Obá $27.99 + tax
Asegure ya su ejemplar
Estudio que analiza la filosofía, el conocimiento, ceremonias y otros detalles rituales asociados con Orí/Elerí (la cabeza)
entre las tradiciones yorubas, la Regla de Osha Lukumí de Cuba y el Candomblé Nagó del Brasil. El libro explora territorios nunca antes estudiado por expertos en el tema de estas religiones y ofrece información y conocimientos religiosos que serán de gran beneficio a las comunidades religiosas de las tres tradiciones.

Si desea reservar su ejemplar, “cliquee” el enlace siguiente y visite la página de Internet de Eleda.org.

¡Este libro será de sumo interés a todo olorisha!


Eleda.org announces one of its most informative seminars: Ebós and ceremonies that every olorisha should know–Ayé: Feeding the earth–(for olorishas only)

Next class: Ayé: Feeding the earth, Video class
June 2, 2024
12 p.m- (approx.) 3 p.m., EST
Cost: $100.00
Registration deadline: May 25th, 2024

You will not want to miss these classes!

The next class will discuss the traditional Lukumí Ayé feeding ceremony (la comida a la tierra) and the variants that have arisen. It will take place on Sunday, June 2, 2024, starting at Noon, EST.

If you are truly interested in learning and developing as an ethical and well-grounded priest or priestess, this series of classes will be vital to that advancement.

This class will be open to any olorisha who can provide proper references of olorishas who can attest to their ordination. To apply, please click the following link: Ebós and Ceremonies REGISTRATION

Once your participation has been approved, you will receive an email notification, the class participation agreement, and the request for the NON-REFUNDABLE $50.00 deposit. The Balance must be paid by May 25th. You can also opt to pay the $100.00 cost of the class in full. This will ensure your place in the class.DO NOT PAY UNTIL you have received the approval notification.

Zelle is the preferred payment method. Zelle you payment to: eleda.org@gmail.com. If Zelle is not possible, go to Eleda.org’s website (Eleda.org) and click the “Seminars & Payments” link that appears on the top left of the home page. That will take you to another page. Scroll until you find the class and select the appropriate option.

If you are truly interested in learning and developing as an ethical and well-grounded priest or priestess, this series of classes will be vital to that advancement.


Seminario: Iniciación a la religión Lukumí (Versión de video)
Sólo para olorishas lukumíes iniciados
Comienza Junio 1ro, 2024
Costo: $25.00 por clase. Esta suma debe ser pagada por adelantado mensualmente, al comienzo de cada mes.

Este seminario cubrirá detalladamente los rituales de la ceremonia de iniciación lukumí, desde los pasos que anteceden las ceremonias hasta el procedimiento ritual de la salida del iyawó a la plaza del mercado a los 7 días de la iniciación.

Se ofrecerá por vía electrónica, un vídeo por semana, hasta completar la serie.

Para registrarse, pulse aquí Registración.

Debe proveer su nombre, dirección, número(s) de teléfono y dirección(es) electrónica. Además, deberá incluir el nombre y la información de contacto de sus mayores religiosos o de 2 personas reconocidas en la comunidad que puedan verificar su estatus como iniciado. Sin esta confirmación no podrá participar del seminario. Luego de obtener la respuesta a su aplicación vía email, debe postear un depósito NO REEMBOLSABLE de $50.00 que podrá pagar con su tarjeta de crédito a través de PayPal. Este depósito será aplicado al costo del primer mes de clases y le asegurará su puesto. El balance sería pagadero, a más tardar, Mayo 25, 2024.

Último día para registrarse: Mayo. 15, 2024



A new cycle of Eleda.Org’s video ordination seminar, in English, begins June 1, 2024.

Cost: $25 a class, payable in advance, on a monthly basis.

Continue reading »

Seminario: La importancia de la cabeza y la ceremonia del eborí (rogación de cabeza) Lukumí

Enero 28, 12 p.m.— 4 p.m.
Washington D.C. e inmediaciones
Costo: $125

Eleda.org presentará esta importante clase que explica la importancia de la cabeza y los conceptos teológicos asociados con su esta tan delicada fase de la espiritualidad y personalidad del lukumí. Además, la clase describirá el ritual del eborí, comúnmente conocido como “rogación de cabeza”, y más importante aún, su significado.

No se pierda esta clase que le ayudará a comprender mejor su religiosidad e iniciación en la fe lukumí. Pulse el enlace y regístrese para este importante seminario: Registración.


Eleda.org announces one of its most informative seminars: Ebós and ceremonies that every olorisha should know (for olorishas only)–Los Collares/The Ilekés

Next class: Los collares: The Traditional Lukumí Ileké Ceremony, Video class
December 10, 2023
12 p.m- (approx.) 3 p.m., EST
Cost: $100.00
Registration deadline: December 1st, 2023

You will not want to miss these classes!

The next class will discuss the traditional Lukumí ileké ceremony and the variants that have arisen. It will take place on Sunday, December 10, 2023, starting at Noon, EST.

If you are truly interested in learning and developing as an ethical and well-grounded priest or priestess, this series of classes will be vital to that advancement.

This class will be open to any olorisha who can provide proper references of olorishas who can attest to their ordination. To apply, please click the following link: Ebós and Ceremonies REGISTRATION

Once your participation has been approved, you will receive an email notification, the class participation agreement, and the request for the NON-REFUNDABLE $50.00 deposit. The Balance must be paid by December 1st. You can also opt to pay the $100.00 cost of the class in full. This will ensure your place in the class.DO NOT PAY UNTIL you have received the approval notification.

Zelle is the preferred payment method. Zelle you payment to: eleda.org@gmail.com. If Zelle is not possible, go to Eleda.org’s website (Eleda.org) and click the “Seminars & Payments” link that appears on the top left of the home page. That will take you to another page. Scroll until you find the class and select the appropriate option.

If you are truly interested in learning and developing as an ethical and well-grounded priest or priestess, this series of classes will be vital to that advancement.


Sólo para olorishas lukumíes iniciados
Comienza Octubre 1ro, 2023
Costo: $25.00 por clase. Esta suma debe ser pagada por adelantado mensualmente, al comienzo de cada mes.

Este seminario cubrirá detalladamente los rituales de la ceremonia de iniciación lukumí, desde los pasos que anteceden las ceremonias hasta el procedimiento ritual de la salida del iyawó a la plaza del mercado a los 7 días de la iniciación.

Se ofrecerá por vía electrónica, un vídeo por semana, hasta completar la serie.

Para registrarse, pulse aquí Registración.

Debe proveer su nombre, dirección, número(s) de teléfono y dirección(es) electrónica. Además, deberá incluir el nombre y la información de contacto de sus mayores religiosos o de 2 personas reconocidas en la comunidad que puedan verificar su estatus como iniciado. Sin esta confirmación no podrá participar del seminario. Luego de obtener la respuesta a su aplicación vía email, debe postear un depósito NO REEMBOLSABLE de $50.00 que podrá pagar con su tarjeta de crédito a través de PayPal. Este depósito será aplicado al costo del primer mes de clases y le asegurará su puesto. El balance sería pagadero, a más tardar, Septiembre 22, 2023.

Último día para registrarse: Sept. 15, 2023

Obí Divination, Video class (in English)


Sunday, May 21, 2023
12 p.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m.
Cost: $75

Eleda.Org will be offering the video version of its workshop on Obí divination in English for Lukumí olorishas and aleyos. If you’re interested in participating, you must reserve as soon as possible. Click here to register for the workshop: Obi Divination

Please provide your full name, address, email address, telephone numbers and two verifiable references. Once approved, you will be sent the course description and necessary document, plus the class agreement. You’ll have to sign and return that agreement for the final approval. Then, you must Zelle your dues to: eleda.org@gmail.com. This will ensure your participation in the workshop. If you do not have access to Zelle, you may PayPal your dues through Eleda.org’s website, clicking the “Add to Cart” button that appears below:


We recommend that you purchase and read Obí Agbón: Lukumí Divination with Coconut by Miguel Willie Ramos, available through Eleda.org & Amazon.com.

To order, click the link that appears below.

Continue reading »

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