infos pratiques

We helped Matiq create
a branding campaign


We work with small to big companies
we don't discriminate

About Us

Based on the city of San Diego we are able to provide our services.

Our services

Based on the city of San Diego we are able to provide our services.

Our work

Based on the city of San Diego we are able to provide our services.

Visit us

Based on the city of San Diego we are able to provide our services.

about us

Since 2010 we deliver solutions for the internet world, we have the experience to turn your idea into reality with our team


We create beautiful and functional logos for your new business

Based on the city of San Diego we are able to provide our services not only in the city but all around the globe.

We distinct our selfs from other companies for our strong believe in serving our.

For our strong believe in serving our customers the best way possible objectively seize scalable credibly innovate granular.

case study

We have the team of professionals to make your product a reality

Based on the city of San Francisco we are able to provide our products not only in the city but all around the globe.

Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.

Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapientte delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur.


Based on the of San Francisco we are able to provide our services to you

Based on the city of San Diego we are able to provide our services not only in the city but all around the globe.

Visual experience
Expert advice
Huge Savings
Zero waste

Cabaret Sauvage

Adresse accès

Parc de la Villette
59 Bd Macdonald
75019 Paris

> Accès VTC :
(Uber, Heetch, ...)

13 Bd Macdonald
75019 Paris


Du Lundi au Vendredi
De 10h à 13h et de 14h à 18h

+33 142090309
Adresse courrier

Sauvage Productions
211 Avenue Jean Jaurès
75019 Paris

Objets trouvés

Vous avez perdu quelque chose au Cabaret Sauvage ? Merci d'appeler le 01 42 09 03 09 ou d’envoyer un mail à l’adresse

* objets trouvés stockés 15 jours

in house

From more than 25 years we have provided a full set of
services that cover all of our client's needs.

Work ethic

Based on the city of San Diego we are able to provide our services not only in the city but all around the globe.

We distinct our selfs from other companies for our strong believe in serving our customers the best way possible.

Objectively seize scalable metrics whereas proactive seamlessly empower fully researched growth strategies and interoperable internal or “organic” sources.

Credibly innovate granular internal or “organic” sources whereas high standards in web-readiness.


Over the few past years we've
developed our design style

Based on the city of San Diego we are able to provide our services not only in the city but all around the globe.


If you can imagine it then our team can create it for you

Based on the city of San Diego we are able to provide our
services not only in the city but all around the globe distinct our selfs from other companies.


This is our awesome
and creative team

Romain Riem-Vis
Responsable bar
Jeanne Ligonnet
Assistante administrative
Marie Abale
Agent d'entretien
Inès Alez-Martin
Responsable presse et communication
Lou Tribout
Chargée de commercialisation et de programmation
Arthur Jaouen
Directeur d'exploitation
Venir au Cabaret Sauvage

Over the few past years we've
developed our design style

En métro

- Porte de Pantin (Grande Halle) : Ligne 5
Traverser le Parc en longeant la Grande Halle, puis traverser le Canal et le longer à droite
- Porte de la Villette : Ligne 7 – Sortie n°1 Bd Macdonald
Aller tout droit en sortant du métro sur l’avenue Macdonald en suivant les rails du Tramway. Dépasser l’entrée du parking Cité des Sciences/la Villette Nord, continuer tout droit, puis entrer dans l’enceinte du parc au niveau du Poney Club, le Cabaret Sauvage est sur votre gauche !

Accès piéton

- Par Porte de la Villette : accès piéton par le 59 bd Macdonald 75019 Paris
- Par Porte de Pantin : accès piéton par le 211 avenue Jean-Jaurès 75019 Paris (entrée principale du Parc de la Villette)

En bus

- Porte de Pantin : lignes 75, 151, PC 2 et 3
- Porte de la Villette : lignes 75, 139, 150, 152, PC2 et PC3

A bicyclette

Consulter le plan des pistes cyclables à Paris cliquez ici
Télécharger le plan des bornes Vélib dans le Nord-Est de Paris cliquez ici

- Station Vélib’ Porte de la Villette, Porte de Pantin, et sur le Parc allée du Belvédère
- Piste cyclable le long du canal de l’Ourcq
- Un parking à vélo est à votre disposition sur le parvis de la Cité des Sciences, côté Porte de la Villette

En voiture

Les automobilistes sont invités à se garer au Parking Nord « Cité des Sciences » ouvert tous les jours 24h/24h.
Entrée au 61 bd Macdonald 75019 Paris (Porte de la Villette).

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